Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) PCR Detection Kit

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) PCR Detection Kit

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) PCR Detection Kit

H. Pylori is a gram-negative bacterium which is responsible for a high percentage of stomach ulcers around the world. The bacteria can cause gastritis (mucosal inflammation), as the stomach lining is broken down by the bacterium. Exposing sensitive tissues to the stomach acid leading to peptic ulcers. The helical bacteria reside in 50% of stomachs worldwide, and infection can last a lifetime if untreated.

Recent evidence has shown that infection has been linked to cancers, which include: non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (cancer that leads to enlarged lymph nodes) and bowel cancers.

This means accuracy and speed are paramount in identifying the presence of the bacterium, and our Real Time PCR kits provide you with the precise tool for this.

Product Details:
The assay is an in vitro PCR reaction assay for the Qualitative determination of DNA Helicobacter pylori infection in a human sample such as fresh or frozen stool samples based on the hydrolysis probe detection method for Human Helicobacter pylori with high sensitive one step QPCR kit.

Quality: All AMD kits manufactured under high quality standardisation methods and unique precision and sensitive technology study compared by the most of famous and approved diagnostic commercial Human Helicobacter pylori DNA assays.

Sensitivity: AMD Human Helicobacter pylori DNA kit is very sensitive kit reaches up to 118 copies/test “rxn volume 25ul” under our validation methods and devices.

Specificity: AMD Human Helicobacter pylori DNA kit is very specific up to 100% for Human Helicobacter pylori DNA under our validation methods and devices.


Product name Technology Package Catalogue  No
AMD Helicobacter pylori PCR kit One step Real time PCR 100 reactions KD347533-100

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